Landlords and lettings insurance
Pembroke Property Management have saved £1000s on property insurance for Estates and Blocks of flats.
Our specialist broker Property Insurance Centre can source competitive rates for our clients.
Please click here for all of the available insurance options.
If you own a flat in one of the buildings we manage then we will arrange the buildings insurance and you will need contents insurance for everything you own. New for Old
If you own and rent out a flat in one of the buildings we manage then we will arrange the buildings insurance and you will need landlords contents insurance. Your tenant will also need to insure their contents.
“I got a quote for landlords contents insurance after reading that Pembroke saved 20% on our block insurance. I was so please with the quote that I decided to get a quote for my house insurance. I saved £150 on my house insurance and £55 on Landlords contents. Great service! Thank you.” – Malcolm Balls, Leaseholder, Greenwich
© Pembroke Property Management. Branches at London Bridge and Tunbridge Wells. t: 0333 3442 100
Property Management covering London, Kent, Sussex and Surrey, including Maidstone, Medway, Bexley, Croydon and Crawley
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